We invite our amazing Colonial Trail and Henrico County Public Schools community to join in the fun as we foster a love of reading for all! Check out the image for ways to participate daily! #wearecubnation #thecubway
7 days ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
a week’s descriptions of  participation opportunities
We are incredibly proud of our CTES Spelling Bee Champ, third-grader Lokitha! She was s-t-u-p-e-n-d-o-u-s! #wearecubnation
about 2 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
adult hugging student
Happy World Occupational Therapy Day to our own Mrs. Compton and Mrs. Baldwin! You make a difference, helping our @colonialtrail cubs gain independence and participate fully every day! #ocuparionaltherapyforall
4 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
therapist pushing child in wheelchair
The 24-25 school year is less than one month away and we hope you all are as excited as the @colonialtrail staff! Please save the date for this year's Open House on Thursday, August 15. So brush off your backpack, pack your supplies, and plan to join us in the cafeteria for a PTA meeting at 12:15 pm. Class rosters will be communicated in early August via Parent Square. #wearecubnation @henricoschools
8 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
Scout announcing open house
It might be July, but @colonialtrail, we are already looking forward to picnicking with all rising Kg & families new to our community! Join us for popsicles, games, & tours. Come hungry, because Charles' Kitchen food truck will join us! www.charleskitchen.guru @henricoschools
8 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
white words on a field of green; picnic icons
There’s so much we want to tell you about the last two weeks of school at Colonial Trail, but we are some tired Cubs! Check back in the next week or two to see highlights of the 23–24 school year. #wearecubnation #summercubs
9 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
teacher and student standing behind painted rock
We are overjoyed to announce that Ms. Whitney Beck will be the new Associate Principal @colonialtrail for the 2024-2025 school year. #wearecubnation #gocubs @henricoschools
9 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
AsP Announcement
Honoring those who gave their all for our freedom. This Memorial Day, we remember and thank the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. @colonialtrail @henricoschools #wearecubnation
10 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
American flag with Memorial Day wish
Join us on Thursday, May 23 for a celebration of learning at Colonial Trail. There will be student-led conferences, an innovation fair, and our annual book fair happening all at once! What a night! #wearecubnation
10 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
Event invite with pictures of students surrounding
All @colonialtrail families! Consider the option to order your Cub's supplies for the 2024-2025 school year through EPI. Reach out to anyone at CTES or the PTA with questions. #wearecubnation
10 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
EPI pack information
Shoutout to the amazing teachers at @colonialtrail! Your dedication and passion inspire us every day. Thank you for shaping the future! #wearecubnation @henricoschools
10 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
Colonial Trail Staff picture with Teacher Appreciation written on a black board
There’s nothing like our @colonialtrail Lunch Ladies! They feed us well and keep us safe every day. #schoollunchheroday #wearecubnation @henricocountyschools
10 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
cafeteria ladies in capes
lunch monitors with students
The @colonialtrail cubs invite you to celebrate the rich heritage & achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders this month. From political & social influences to significant cultural impacts, AAPI have played a crucial role in American life. @henricoschools
10 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
AAPI Month celebraton
At @colonialtrail, we love partnering with @henricogives to support our Cubs! Thanks to Faith and Daniel for consistent joy and innovation. #wearecubnation @henricoschools
11 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
school principal accepts giant check from Henrico Education Foundation
🌙 Wishing all who celebrate Eid al-Fitr a joyous celebration filled with love, peace, and happiness! #EidMubarak #wearecubnation @henricoschools
11 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
two children and cub in front of yellow and navy background with hanging lanterns
Make a plan to join the @colonialtrail Cubs along with @mathnasiumRVA for our Annual Math Night! There will be games, prizes, and food trucks. See you on Thursday, April 18th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at The Trail! #wearecubnation @henricoschools
11 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
math night written in blue on a field of green
While we are enjoying Spring Break this week, @colonialtrail Cubs cannot help but celebrate our Associate Principal, Mrs. Elizabeth Cromartie. Thank you for all you do! #wearecubnation @henricoschools
11 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
Woman standing outside with leadership quote to the left
Happy Easter from our @colonialtrail Cubs to all who celebrate. Wishing you a season filled with peace, joy, and many blessings. #wearecubnation @henricoschools
11 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
Easter eggs and bunny ears
We are proud to announce that @colonialtrail's health professional, Nurse Johnson, has achieved her National Nursing Certification, allowing her to demonstrate her specialty expertise for families, staff and peers. Way to go! @henricoschools #wearecubnation
12 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
Nurse Johnson smiling
You have helped us reach our first goal for the I Love CTES Virtual Auction! We hope you will all wear pajamas with us on Thursday, March 21st! Keep bidding, @colonialtrail! #wearecubnation
12 months ago, Colonial Trail Elementary School
Pajama Day Announcement with fuzzy slippers